Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Day-to-Day Experiences In The Church as a Member

I was a member from November 1993 through August 1994.

The church is divided into (in this case, I was in Los Angeles) congregation, regional, and sectors. We usually have a congregational service in Los Angeles and it could be anywhere between the Universal Amphitheater, the L.A. Convention Center, and the Shrine Auditorium. I don't know where they hold their services now but I'm assuming that if they needed a large place to hold congregational services, these places would qualify.

The Sunday church services are pretty good. The sermon is usually led by a sector leader. Once in a while, they would have a regional service or a congregational service led by that particular leader but it depends on what the topic of the sermon is. Usually they get visitors from sister congregations or some of the ICC members bring in relatives. I don't see any playing of instruments when they sing. They usually clap their hands. Normally when they sing, they normally get hyped up to hoping to have a good day/week.

During the weekdays, most of the member work full or part-time jobs. Most of them were asked to work around ICC scheduled functions. I was among those who work full-time, but was also going to school part-time, on the night they have mid-week services. Since this was a commitment I made before I joined the group, the leadership never got in my case. Those who are still going to college work their school schedule around the ICC-scheduled events.

I don't know what others do on Mondays, but some of the members meet with their discipler, the person assigned by the leadership to shepherd them. In my case, I met with mine for a couple of hours to chat about life, how I'm doing, staying out of trouble, etcetera.

On Tuesday/Wednesday evening around 6:30 pm, they usually have a midweek service. During this time, they would ask you to give your contribution and usually by check. If they determined you didn't give enough, you will be advised and told to give the balance. I guess it sounded like you owe them money. In addition, they would ask you if you have brought in any members. The paying of your contribution (based on Malachi 3:8-15 in the Old testament) and the marketing of the church to prospective members (based on Matthew 28:18-20) is compulsive.

On Thursday evenings, the singles and marrieds are separated into bible talk groups. Occasionally, the regional leadership may have a singles devotional (was single at that time) on either Thursdays or Fridays and in that case, the bible talk meeting is canceled. Attendance in these functions are compulsive.

During the weekdays, most of the single brothers ask the sisters for a date on Saturday. Usually it's a double date and they can do whatever they chose to do (as long as it isn't unbiblical). On the dates I had, we made dinner for the sisters. On one date, I took one of them to a hockey game. It was fun. One of my long time friends told me whenever I go out on a date, just make sure that I had some fun and leave it at that. After the date, I give the sister a thank you card and she does the same for me.

It is also on Saturdays when weddings are performed and it's usually bestowed on the sector leader to marry the new couple. Because I was only in the group for a short time, I only went to one wedding. I was asked to go to a second wedding, the one whom my discipler at that time was the groom, but because of the disagreements that began to build in with this one-over-one relationship which I began to see the light, I refused to go.

Stay Tuned.
Next: What made me leave the group?

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